Rely IT strengthens sales department!
Per Åkerlind has joined us and will drive and strengthen our sales department.
Per has worked in sales in the IT industry for over 20 years, the last 15 years as a sales manager, business leader and partner in IT companies targeting small and medium-sized enterprises.
Pers' experience from the IT industry is broad, with the main focus on sales and delivery of IT operations, infrastructure, hardware and related support and service in various contractual forms and financing solutions.
"I have worked in Uppsala County, Gävleborg County and Dalarna County and now I see an exciting challenge in working in Stockholm County as my main market", says Per Åkerlind and adds:
"A very interesting factor about Rely IT as a company is their background and structure in e.g. IT operations, programming and development, plus they have very many satisfied customers over a long period of time in various sectors and sizes. I believe that my background and experience together with Rely IT's vast expertise will be a great combination and opportunity to help many companies with their IT-related needs and desires".
We warmly welcome Per to Rely IT.
You can reach Per at:
0730 - 30 57 50
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