

Do you have a good grasp of your IT environment, or do you wish you did?

We offer an IT Inventory with a focus on identifying risks, for example outdated equipment with built-in vulnerabilities, deficiencies in backup routines, patch status, authorizations or other things that make the business vulnerable.

After our review, you will receive a report that can form the basis of decisions.

Let us review your IT environment!

Pilot study with a review of:

  • Servers
  • Network; Firewalls, patch status, firewall rules, wireless networks
  • Policies and procedures
  • Backup management
  • Status of hardware

Risk analysis with documentation of:

  • Serious deficiencies - Actions that should be taken as soon as possible
  • Less serious deficiencies – Actions that should be taken in the long run but are not of an urgent nature
  • Improvement suggestions – Suggestions for improvements or alternative solutions

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    Team Rely IT